We report to our donors what their donations have turned into, respecting the principle of transparency and the guarantee of the correct use of donations.
Total value of purchases: 1.232.798,59 lei.
What we bought so far:
- 30 folding beds with a total cost of 8.925 lei delivered to Cernăuți City Hall;
- 30 sleeping mattresses with a total cost of 1.199,70 lei delivered to Cernăuți City Hall;
- 131 sleeping bags with a total cost of 12.921 lei delivered to Cernăuți City Hall;
- Medicines with a total cost of 3.348 lei delivered to Cernăuți City Hall;
- 48.972 food cans with a total cost of 102.730 lei delivered to Mykolaiv City Hall;
- 20 bed mattresses with a total cost of 6.660 lei delivered to the Association Kasper Daniela from Brașov;
- Sutures with a total cost of 3.999,95 lei delivered to Chernivtsi Children Clinical Hospital;
- First aid medicines and medical supplies with a total cost of 2.972,84 lei delivered to Ukrainians in the Bucha region (near Kyiv);
- High power electricity generator for emergencies with a total cost of 5.088 lei delivered to Cernăuți City Hall;
- Large complete tent with a total cost of 19.733 lei to be delivered to Cernăuți City Hall;
- 22.225 lei fund for the payment of utilities for the Ukrainian community in Cartier Coresi;
- 2.100 cans of chicken paté and 1.880 croissants with hazelnut cream with a total cost of 5.053,65 lei sent with the help of the Kastel Association to 600 Ukrainian children from Herța district, Cernăuți region;
- 15.540 cans of food with a total cost of 57.339,45 lei for the inhabitants of Mykolaiv City;
- Food packages with a total cost of 3.125 lei for the Ukrainian refugees who are in transit granted to the volunteers from Brașov Station;
- 730 social vouchers with a total cost of 73.000 lei that will be granted by the Migrant Integration Center Brașov to the refugees established in the medium term in Brașov;
- Medical reimbursements with a total cost of 25.000 lei for refugees located in Brașov granted to the Migrant Integration Center Brașov;
- Through Oxfam funding (through the Romanian Federation of Community Foundations), we supported the costs of Romanian language courses for 90 refugees, for 3 months, at the Migrant Integration Center Brașov, with a total cost of 94.908 lei. Classroom rent and utilities, classroom equipment, textbooks, course packages, and the salaries of two employees and one collaborator who worked on this project were covered.
- Through Oxfam funding (through the Romanian Federation of Community Foundations), we supported the costs related to the social integration activities organized by the Social Services Association SCUT for 10 refugee families from Ukraine (approximately 30 people) for 3 months, with a total cost of 70.725 lei. These activities included dance therapy, group therapy, art therapy for children, culinary evenings, and trips to the Brașov area. The salaries of two people involved in the project were also covered.
- Through Global Fund Community Foundations funding, we have provided funding of 24.970 lei, through which we support the salary costs of a full-time translator for 5 months and the provision of a laptop for the Migrant Integration Center Brașov. Thus, around 10 people a day can be helped, especially those who need medical care. The translator also accompanies them to the doctor.
- Through Global Fund Community Foundations funding, we provided funding of 17.630 lei, through which we support the costs of a week-long camp organized by the Kastel Association for 16 Ukrainian children. The costs related to transport, meals, accommodation, and overnight activities and those of the accompanying translator were also covered.
- 4,420 hot meals were provided to refugees at CATTIA refugee centre between April and July 2022, with the 74.184 lei donated by Siemens Industry Software.
- Through Global Fund Community Foundations funding, we provided a grant of 2,800 lei to support a part of the funeral costs for a Ukrainian refugee who arrived in Romania alone and was supported by the Integration Centre for Migrants Brasov.
- The Integration Centre for Migrants Brașov received a grant of 10,000 lei to cover part of the rent of the day centre and partial funeral costs for a refugee from Ukraine, who arrived in Romania alone.
- Through funding from the Association for Community Relations we were able to give a grant of 90,000 Lei to the Integration Centre for Migrants for medical reimbursments.
- Through funding from the Association for Community Relations we were able to provide a grant of 13,000 lei to the Kastel Association for the purchase of a multifunctional printer for daily printing of teaching materials for 26 Ukrainian children.
- Through funding from People in Need (through the Romanian Federation of Community Foundations) under the Bine360 programme we were able to award a grant of 29,190 Lei to the Integration Centre for Migrants to support operational costs and organisational development.
- Through funding from People in Need (through the Romanian Federation of Community Foundations) under the Bine360 programme we were able to award a grant of 29,190 Lei to the Kastel Association to support operational costs and organisational development.
- Through funding from People in Need (through the Romanian Federation of Community Foundations) under the Bine360 programme we were able to award a grant of 29,190 Lei to the Education will save you Association to support operational costs and organisational development.
- The Association Little Big Emotions received a grant of 25,000 lei for the development of an app and the translation into Ukrainian of a book on emotion regulation for children. There will be 5 different performances where about 200 Ukrainian children and teenagers will have the opportunity to learn more about techniques with therapeutic potential from the book and using the online application.
- Ekklesia Group Brașov Association received a grant of 10.000 lei to support 68 Ukrainian adults and 17 children with food and hygiene products and to support Kindergarten No. 9 with school supplies, where 45 Ukrainian children are enrolled.
- The Integration Centre for Migrants Brasov received a grant of 4500 Lei to support three families of Ukrainians who arrived in Brasov in February-March from the frontline and from Russian-occupied areas and needed urgent support with food, clothing and hygiene products.
- With funding from People in Need (through the Federation of Community Foundations in Romania) under the Bine360 program we were able to grant 58,680 Lei to the Integration Centre for Migrants so they were able to provide Romanian language courses for 80-100 Ukrainians.
- Through funding from People in Need (through the Federation of Community Foundations of Romania) within the Bine360 programme we were able to grant 58.680 Lei to Kastel Association for the daily 4 hour educational programme for 24 Ukrainian children at the association's day centre.
- Through funding from People in Need (through the Romanian Federation of Community Foundations) within the Bine360 programme we were able to grant 58.680 Lei to the Association Education Saves You for them to provide personal development workshops through art therapy for refugee children, adolescents and young adults.
- Through funding from People in Need (through the Federation of Romanian Community Foundations) within the Bine360 programme we were able to grant 9.600 Lei to the Integration Centre for Migrants for psycho-emotional support to the staff of the centre working directly with Ukrainian refugees.
- Through funding from People in Need (through the Federation of Community Foundations in Romania) within the Bine360 programme we were able to grant a grant of 2.400 Lei to Kastel Association for psycho-emotional support to the staff of the centre working directly with Ukrainian refugees.
- Through funding from People in Need (through the Federation of Community Foundations in Romania) within the Bine360 programme we were able to grant a grant of 2.400 Lei to the Association Education saves you for psycho-emotional support to the staff of the centre working directly with Ukrainian refugees.
- Through funding from corporate partners and a national funder through the People for People platform, the Brasov Community Foundation was able to support part of its operating costs. We would like to thank the following corporate partners for 2022: Clem Camelia (750 lei), Alpin Solar (1200 lei), Tixem Solutions (90 lei), Duvenbeck Logistics (120 lei), BNP Balan P Mihaela (60 lei), Uniprest Instal (600 lei), TATA Technologies (750 lei), Venus Crown Residence Estate (750 lei), Namirial (742 lei), MSE-Majorel Strategy Expertise (741 lei), Siemens Industry Software (742 lei), Atos IT Solutions and Services (1500 lei) and the Association for Community Relations (3455 lei). Total: 11,500 lei.
- Through funding from the Association for Community Relations, we were able to a grant of 10,506 lei to the Ekklesia Group Brasov Association to support 68 Ukrainian adults and 17 Ukrainian children with food and hygiene products and to support Kindergarten no. 9, where 45 Ukrainian children are enrolled, with school supplies from February to May 2023.
- Through funding from Global Fund Community Foundations we provided to grant 6,000 lei to fully support the funeral costs for a Ukrainian refugee who arrived in Romania alone and was supported by Kastel Association.
- Kastel Association received a grant of 14.000 Lei to support 23 Ukrainian families settled in Brasov with food and hygiene products and to cover the full funeral costs of a refugee from Ukraine.
- Robostart Young Engineers Association received a grant of 11.000 Lei for the furnishing of a space where 25 Ukrainian children aged 3-11 years learn daily.
- The Integration Centre for Migrants received a grant of 1765 Lei for two team activities on the occasion of the visit of international donors supporting refugees from Ukraine in the Brasov area.
- Through funding from People in Need (through the Federation of Romanian Community Foundations) within the Bine360 programme we were able to grant 19.506 Lei to the Integration Centre for Migrants for the implementation of the organizational development plan created in the last 3 months.
- Through funding from People in Need (through the Federation of Community Foundations in Romania) within the Bine360 programme we were able to grant a grant of 19.506 Lei to Kastel Association for the implementation of the organizational development plan created in the last 3 months.
- Through funding from People in Need (through the Federation of Community Foundations in Romania) within the Bine360 programme we were able to grant a grant of 19.506 Lei to the Association Education saves you for the implementation of the organizational development plan created in the last 3 months.
- From the Global Fund Community Foundations funding we provided a grant of 34,800 lei to support the costs of a one-week camp organized by the Kastel Association for 24 Ukrainian children. The costs of transport, meals, accommodation and overnight activities are also supported, as well as those of the translator and teacher accompanying them.
- From the Global Fund Community Foundations funding we have provided a grant of 10,500 lei to support the cost of rent for the Migrant Integration Centre for two months. The centre supports Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian migrants who have settled in Brasov with legal and social counselling.
- Ekklesia Group Brasov received a grant of 5.000 lei to support 38 Ukrainian adults and children with food and hygiene products from February to May 2023.